Recently while browsing on Amazon I came across an interesting book titled A Letter to My Dog: Notes to Our Best Friends. It’s essentially a collection of heartfelt letters that pet owners, including some celebrities, have written to their best canine buddy. The personal letters celebrate the human/canine relationship, speak of the deep love and devotion they have for their pet and reveal raw honest emotions as they discuss a beloved dog that’s gone to the Bridge.
Intrigued, I discovered a website of the same name where people can write their own letter to their dog and post it for others to read. The dog-focused book and website have become so popular with pet owners that a follow-up book is coming soon. Naturally, it’s titled A Letter to My Cat, and there will be a sister website as well.
I loved the concept, so I decided to write my own letter to my “heart cat” Annabelle and share it with you, my dear friends and readers of the CANIDAE RPO blog. It was a lot of fun writing this letter to my darling cat that I love so much. I encourage you to write your own letter to your dog or cat, and share it here if you so desire.
My Dearest Annabelle,
It’s hard to believe it’s been nearly ten years since I first saw your tiny little self in that flea-ridden place, desperately in need of rescue. I swooped you up and out of there immediately. You weren’t more than a month old, and so I became your “mother” to give you the loving care you badly needed.
I intended to find you a family once you were well, and old enough. Looking back, it seems silly I didn’t realize at once that you’d already found your forever home. But I’m so grateful that I kept you, because you are simply the best, most loving friend anyone could ever have.
Annabelle, I have never known a more precious soul than you. I’ve never known one so beautiful, so pure of heart, so giving of herself when it matters most. You are my child, my healer, my cherished companion, my confidante. Without a doubt, you’ve given me more than I could ever give you in return.
Our love grows stronger every day, as it should. With each passing day our bond deepens, as can only happen when two souls love each other as much as we do. When I hug you and you drape yourself over my shoulder while you lick my face, I close my eyes and see only a bright, happy world. Just to look at you fills my heart with joy. In your presence, I’m like a giddy school girl experiencing her first crush.
Oh my sweet girl, what I love about you could never be summed up into a paragraph or two – no, I could fill an entire book discussing the many ways you bring me joy. But I love that you tolerate me when I do annoying things, like give you nose rubs (Eskimo kisses) or hug you close for the thousandth time that day. You don’t get mad when I bestow copious kisses on your face and tell you “You’re so cute I could just eat you up!”
I love that when I go to bed, you curl up next to me with your little head on my pillow and your paws touching my hand. I love falling asleep to the soothing sound of your purr – the best “white noise” machine one could ever have!
My dear Annabelle, none could ever adore a creature more than I do you. I treasure every single day I have with you, and I’m so thankful you’re a member of my family. I love you deeply and completely, more and more with each passing year. And the best part is that I know the feeling is mutual.
I am one lucky human, Annabelle, to have such a wonderful kitty friend like you.
Read more articles by Julia Williams