Friday, May 10, 2013

A Cat’s Mother's Day Letter to “Mom”

By Rocky Williams, feline guest blogger

Dear Mom,

I’ve heard people talking about a special day that was created to honor all Moms. What a great idea! But Momma, I’ve also heard that many human beans don’t think you should be honored on Mother’s Day because you “only” have cats which means “you’re not a real Mom.” Rubbish, I say!

When you rescued me and took me home, I was just a wee lad who fit into the palm of your hand. I don’t remember my other mother, but I do remember the loving care I got from you. Without your “mothering,” I daresay I wouldn’t have survived. You nurtured me and helped me grow into the beautiful cat I am today.

You’ve been my only mother for ten years, and you would never abandon me. Ever. And I know you’d move heaven and earth to make sure I am healthy and happy, for all of my life. Momma, isn’t that the heart and soul of what it means to be a mother?

There are so many things I love and appreciate about you, Momma. For starters, I love that you will sit on half a chair (or less) so as not to disturb me. Some beans would chase their kitty off the chair in order to sit in comfort, but that’s not how you roll! You let your legs fall asleep if I’m curled up on them, and you let me stay on your lap long after you really, really want – or need – to get up. (Sometimes I laugh when I see you frantically racing to your litterbox because, not wanting to disturb me, you’ve waited too long).

Momma, I know I am a lot naughtier than most felines, but I love that you never say “Why can’t you be like other cats?” You accept that being mischievous is who I am, and you don’t try to change me. It’s like that fable of the scorpion who convinces the frog to carry him across the river, promising not to sting him because then they’d both drown. But midway across, the scorpion does sting the frog, who cries “Why’d you sting me?” and the scorpion says “It’s my nature.” You know I can’t help being naughty any more than that scorpion could help stinging the frog, and it doesn’t make you love me any less.

Despite my naughty nature, I’ve only seen you get really mad at me a handful of times. Most of the time you just laugh. Like that time you caught me standing on my hind legs on your coffee machine to reach the bag of FELIDAE cat food on the top shelf of the cupboard. I thought you were going to have a coronary that day!

When you’ve removed me from the kitchen counter for the thousandth time in one day, I can tell that your patience is wearing thin. But you know it doesn’t do any good to punish me or scold me. I’m going to keep doing it no matter what, because I’m on the Seafood Diet – I see food and I need to try to eat it.

When you caught me stealing your piece of bacon, you just shrugged. I swear I heard you say “It’s only bacon.” You didn’t yell at me like other bean’s might. I think it’s because as much as you love your bacon (a whole lot!), you love me even more. And you know that when it comes to food, I just can’t help myself.

Momma, I love you because the one time you got scorching mad at me and yelled awful words, you came back later and apologized. Some would say that was a silly thing to do. It’s just a cat, they’d say. It doesn’t matter, they’d say; he doesn’t understand you anyway. But Momma, I do understand. I may not know every word you use, but I know by your tender tone. I know by the gentle caress of your hand on my back. A lesser bean would think it wasn’t necessary to say you’re sorry to a cat.

I think I am the luckiest cat alive.

Happy Mother’s Day with love,


Read more articles by Rocky Williams

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